
Geo-Twitter App

A real time application that displays tweets sorted by hashtags in its geographical location in the world map.

NBA Metrics

Geo-Twitter App

A search engine to compare NBA Players' Stats and Salary.

Search and compare your favorite players' statistics in the 2017 NBA Season. Want to see how he fairs up against an average player or an all star? click here

Battleship Console Game

In-game footage of Battleship game.

Battleship is a board game where one would seek to destroy opponent's battleships. The game was created with C++.

Maximum Energy game

In-game footage of "Maximum Energy" game(unpolished).

Maximum Energy is a 2-dimensional game where each individual character produces energy. As the user progresses through the game, he will gain access to characters that produces a higher amount of energy. The game was created in Unity while it using javascript and C#.

UC Davis Schedule Builder Extension

UC Davis Schedule Builder Extension

UC Davis Schedule Builder Extension is a chrome extension that directly fetches professor's ratings data from ratemyprofessor making it easier for students to pick classes. Created in Hack Davis with Javascript.

NBA Player Matchups

NBA MVP Candidates

Extracted different basketball statistical data of MVP candidates from websites such as ESPN using Python and visualized each players' deeper basketball analytics data using Tableau.


More of my works on Github .

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